Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

43 with Angela Raspass: A year of pain and growth



It’s It’s that time of the year isn’t it? The time were we begin to reflect on the year that has been and looking forward to the year that will be. The questions politely sit in the back of your mind and wait for your attention. They may be patient, but they’re persistent little suckers and won’t leave you alone until you give them the time they want and need. They’ll be quite personal and unique for each of us, but in essence we’re wondering. How was this year? Am I satisfied? Did it go well? What could I have done better? What will the new year be like? Am I on track, on purpose? Is it time to change? Or shall I continue? I’m in exactly the same boat right now. Considering, questioning, evaluating, comparing, wondering, thinking… and in this weeks episode I share my experiences of 2016 with you, the pain and the growth, the rule breaking and the letting go, the gratitude and the new intentions. I encourage you to gently, with self-compassion and optimism, regard your year behind and the one waiting for yo