Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

41 with Tara Mohr: Permission for Playing Big



Tara Mohr’s own Next Chapter began at the intersection of frustration and hope. Frustration that so many brilliant women could not see their own brilliance and were holding back from sharing their gifts with the world and the pain she could see that caused them, and hope that, when shown a way to change things, that more women would then step up and become the wise and compassionate leaders we are so capable of. That’s when her model of Playing Big was born, forged from hundreds of conversations, thousands of coaching hours and her own personal experience in Corporate America where a woman’s voice was not always heard. In this wholehearted conversation Tara and I explore some of the key themes in her book, of the same name and explore many ways in which you can connect with your own Inner Mentor to follow your callings, sidestep the perfectionism that can see you “designing at the whiteboard” for far too long, embrace feedback and let go of the pressure of creating success. An inspiring conversation with an i