Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

38 with Karen Gunton: Let your Mission be your Message



Karen Gunton is in her element right now, helping women to “build their lighthouses, and to shine their unique light brightly into the world”. Originally a teacher by trade, Karen has evolved over the years, changing not only professions, but countries, moving from Canada to Adelaide in South Australia. “When as I look backwards at the road so far and it gives me ideas about where I need to go next, but I often say that I accidentally started a business!. We can’t see everything that coming next, so we do need to accept it’s an evolution, a spiral, rather than a straight line”. Karen and I talk about working on purpose, the inner work we all need to do, how to keep yourself buoyant and the absolute importance of having a mission rather than “just selling a thing”. Don’t just build a business, build a Lighthouse instead. If you have a desire to contribute, to give back and make a difference on a large or small scale wit your unique skills and experience, you will love this conversation. If you are enjoying thi