Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

34 with Micaela Becattini: Graceful transitions through adversity



Micaela Becattini is, in her own words “devoted to growth and evolution”, especially in the midst of significant challenge, something that she has rather a lot of first hand experience with! In 2004 Micaela moved to Australia from Italy and found moving countries to be an intense and challenging, especially the adaptation to a new culture and a new language. This Next Chapter in her life was disorientating, and she was concerned that she had bitten off a bit much as she struggled to find her feet, make new friends, and in fact, redefine her own identity.. Shortly afterwards the challenges increased when she developed Crohns Disease, an immune disease that is invisible, but debilitating and this further reinforced her sense of social isolation. But Micaela is a fighter! She shook off “my victim mentality”, let go of the feeling of shame and embarrassment and started a support group in her area for others. And that was just the beginning of her own graceful transition, as she embraced her personal power. Today,