Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

31 with Christine Weston: The Business of Divorce



In 2008 Christine Weston was lost and flummoxed. She hadn’t anticipated her marriage ending and was not sure of what she was going to do next - she had been out of the workforce for fifteen years as she focused on her role as a Mother.  “I needed to create an income, but fear and a lack of confidence were my biggest challenges and I became painfully aware that for women, there is equally a cost in not having gone to work as having gone to work during our Mothering years”. Christine drew of deep reserves of courage and experience in moving between 3 countries and became a relocation consultant –“but I did not like being at the beck and call of someone else, not making enough money to really make ends meet and having no time at all for my kids”. Something had to change. Christine started down the path to personal development and as she attended workshops and mixed with new people, she began to rediscover the confident person that she used to be. “I worked out what I wanted my new life to look like and worked ba