Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

27 with Angela Raspass: Busting the 7 core Money Myths



I am a HUGE book fiend, usually with 3 or 4 on the go at once and I’ve decided that I’d like to provide a review of some of my favourites here on the Podcast each month that I strongly feel will make a contribution to your Next Chapter Business and Life. This month I’m sharing “The Abundance Code” – How to bust the 7 Money Myths for a rich life now by Julie Ann Cairns. I listened to an interview with Julie Ann on the Hay House Summit and, recognising that money myths and blocks have played, and still play, a big role in my own entrepreneurial journey, decided that this was a book that needed to be in my  world. In this enlightening and empowering book, Julie talks about the 7 money myths that can hold us back from creating the wealth and abundance that we seek and how it is the interplay of Desire, Knowledge and Belief that determines the level of success that we will experience. She talks us through how to become aware of the blocks we have based on the level of frustration and lack of flow we may experience