Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

23 with Angela Raspass: What do you need to let go of?



There’s been something brewing in the air lately. Change is afoot, many of us are feeling this new energy and it can be unsettling. Old stories reemerge. Old feelings turn up again. New desires and new directions tease us and we’re not sure if we can go there or not. I’ve had many conversations over the past few weeks about this disquiet. Perhaps it’s been because so many planets are in retrograde? Who knows! But the reality is irrefutable, Change is in the air. You might know exactly what you need to do to embrace this next chapter (a chapter within the chapter perhaps?) But you might be held back by fear, sadness, resentment, anxiety or regrets whether they be conscious or unconscious. So in this weeks episode I’m sharing an exercise, a Personal Inventory exercise, that may provide you with the insight and keys to break free, let go and move forward. I hope it’s helpful – it’s certainly unlocked a lot of stuff for me! If you are enjoying this show, please take a moment to review the Next Chapter Podcast in