Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

11 with Angela Raspass: The Bookends of Your Day



How do you start your day? How do you end your day? I'm a big believer in the power of Intention - making a conscious choice to embed a supportive routine into your day. I'm not talking perfection or rigidity here, just a gentle commitment to yourself, to create an atmosphere that sets you up the likelihood of a more successful day, because you have chosen to create a positive headspace, even if you've only managed to take 5 minutes for yourself. In the past I fell into the routine of waking up and immediately rolling over the check my phone for emails. Immediately plunging into headspace of my To Do list. Immediately feeling the pressure descend, the pressure that scattered any lingering remnants of restful slumber! I usually followed that up by arriving at my desk in a rather hyper state after the crazy morning breakfast, lunch boxes, school bus and train run, plunging into my To Do List that had been taunting me since 6am. And the evenings? Quite often I fixated on what I didn't get done and thus the whole