Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

8 with Nicola Wise-Sturt: The Visual Style of Your Business



Nicola Wise-Sturt is a graphic designer who helps female entrepreneurs discover and define their unique and magnetic Visual Style in the areas of Work, Home and Fashion. She takes away the ‘fear of doing it wrong’ and brings in an element of fun to creating your personal and professional style and believes it is an ongoing journey that can - and should - organically change as you do. In this Episode we explore how your true Visual Style is a refection of who you are inside - it goes far beyond just your logo, fonts and colours. It's a magnetic and memorable representation of your authenticity and blooms when you let go of what people think. In this Episode Nicola and I explore the questions to pose to yourself to help you uncover your own Visual Style, a style that extends beyond your business and congruently into your home and even into the clothes you wear. Once you have answered these 9 questions you can create your own Visual Style Statement to guide your decisions and style direction from here on in! You