Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep 231 - Hall of Fame | Maria Chico - Successful City Executive Stopped Yo-Yoing, Lost 20kgs And Now Fit For Life!



Maria came to us over a year ago fed up with feeling like she was always dieting.   With a history of diabetes in the family, and more people around her battling with their weight, she didn't want to risk reaching 40 only to discover everything inside of her was failing. She wanted to make changes to her life, and most importantly, make changes in a way that's sustainable for her for years to come. She wanted to transform while gaining an education. And a year later, she's got into the shape of her life, stayed there for a while, and is loving learning more about nutrition, mindset and lifestyle everyday. On this episode of RNT Fitness, I’m joined by Maria to discuss her journey. It’s a truly remarkable story, and you’ll hear from Maria’s emotions just how deep this goes, and how much she’s harnessed the power of the physical as the vehicle! Be sure to check out the case study linked in the show notes! “Start making the changes as soon as you can.” - Maria Chico Timestamps:     00:00 – Intro 00:15 –