Worth It

89: Why Your Life Vision Shouldn’t Be Tied to Your Business Vision



When you’re an entrepreneur, it’s hard to separate work from life. When you’ve built a business (or multiple businesses) from the ground up, it can be even harder. After all, you have big dreams. Maybe you want to scale that biz, hit 7 figures (or 10 figures, you do you!), and work remotely while building your empire. Whatever your vision for your business looks like, odds are that vision also bleeds into your life. It becomes “When I hit 7 figures, I’ll buy myself that Tesla,” or “I want to live in New York so I can build more contacts for my business.” All of this sounds a-freakin-mazing, and we’re totally here for it, but we want to make sure you’re not just tying your life vision to your business vision. They should still be separate, at least somewhat. If you’re wondering if you have tied your life vision to your business vision (or you know you totally have), this episode will give you some tips on how to separate the two, and a few resources you can use to get clear on what your visions for life and wo