Worth It

59: How to Stay in Love With Your Business



When you first started out in your business, you were probably so excited to get to work each morning, to see the ball start rolling and to watch the progress you were making. In that “honeymoon phase” of business-building, it’s so easy to love your business and feel fulfilled in your work. But what happens when that initial excitement wears off? And what happens if you find yourself doing things you don’t necessarily love, but that keep the business moving (at least a little)? It’s hard to love everything about our businesses, but it is possible to craft a business that you love for the long haul. That’s exactly what Dustin and Danielle are talking about this week on the podcast HERE’S WHAT YOU’LL LEARN [9:29] Why falling in love with your business is an ongoing pursuit [9:50] The importance of checking in with yourself and how you feel about your biz [10:26] How your happiness impacts your business [10:59] The dangers of sticking to the “blueprint” others have created [13:40] The 3 things you need to love y