Worth It

52: How to Live Life in Slow Motion



 Have you ever wanted to live your life in slow motion? We all experience those times where we wish we could slow down, but they seem to just zip by. Dustin has been reading about how to make the most of life and he has several tips to share on how to slow down and make the most of the time we have. Worth It is the podcast that helps you dream, plan, and live your ideal life and on this episode, we’re focusing on helping you live your ideal life. If you have always wanted to learn how to make the most out of the time you have, you’ll want to hear all of these helpful tips. Here’s What You’ll Learn [2:22] How can you slow down time? [4:42] Time is the most important asset we have [6:26] How do we perceive time? [14:01] How to live life in slow motion [15:47] Stop and smell the roses [18:24] Develop a habit of enjoying each day [23:11] Stop worrying! Life seems to fly by--don’t let it escape you! The older we get the faster life seems to go by. Steven Tyler once said that life is like a roll of toilet paper,