Joyous - A Seaside Center, Rev. Christian Sorensen Podcast

12-01-19 Joy for the Season


Sinopse from  Joy for the Season is the message today from Dr. Rev. Christian Sorensen on this Sunday, December 1, 2019, affirming I am living in a season of Joy! Today we’ve extended the musical portion for this podcast as we were graced with 3 fabulous musical talents! The musical portion first starts with our very own Musical Director Rebecca Jade. Rebecca then welcomes our special guest artist from Los Angeles, Rain Bisou. Then, after Rev. Christen’s message, Rebecca is joined by Carissa Schroeder along with everyone else to close out the service. The complete service can be viewed here on our YouTube channel. Also, come by our website to find out the long list of offerings here, and you can always join us in Encinitas, California on a Sunday where we always great music, a spirited message and a joyful, loving, vibrant community that await you. Dr. Christian’s Corner Crazy to think it’s December already! Yet our tree on the stage is a pretty good indic