

Today’s message from Dr. Christian Sorensen was recorded November 4th, 2018 and it’s titled Going Deep affirming I discover the bountiful good from the depth of my soul! Today we welcomed back spirit, talent and voice of our special guest and musical artist Ray Davis who can be found HERE on Facebook or on his website. Dr. Christian’s Corner Today is New Member Sunday. My heart jumps for joy as I look at each name of our new members in the Sunday program! Their "yes" to being part of our Seaside Family is a wonderful confirmation that Seaside is alive, growing and making a difference. We’ll call them up to the stage at the end of the second service to say their names so we can officially welcome them. You’ve been called to go deeper with your spiritual practices by Spirit. These are dynamic times we are all in, which is Spirit’s nudge to look a little deeper for the God Presence–as well as a prayer request to know a greater truth that avoids confusion. The sea offers a wonderful metaphor for going deeper to g