Opera After Dark

Ep. 86: This vs. That - Madama Butterfly vs. Miss Saigon, Part 1



As we conclude our "This vs. That" series, comparing great operas to parallel works in the musical theater repertoire, we got pretty carried away with our last comparison: Madama Butterfly vs. Miss Saigon! So this is Part 1 of 2, where we share some VERY strong feelings about the character of B.F. Pinkerton, and just strong feelings in general about the VERY problematic story of Cio-Cio San as told through some of most beautiful music Puccini ever composed. Listen all the way to the end, and you will be treated to an outtake that ends in a place only tangentially related to the opera via the topic of puppets: Elspeth and Kyle's raw, emotional reaction to Warhorse!