Simmons Here And Now

Tell The Damn Story 206 (Summer Shorts); Meet Don McGregor, Writer of The Black Panther & 200 Other Tales.



In joining with the quiet acknowledgement of the passing of Chadwick Bosman (1 year ago this month) this summer hiatus episode contains the interview with Don McGregor.   Chris and I thought we were prepared to interview storyteller extraordinaire DON McGREGOR.  I'd known him since the 70s.  And Chris had read his books and researched his other interviews.  Yep, we thought we were ready for him.  We weren't.  Listen as Don candidly speaks about his creative, professional, and personal life -- good, bad and amazing! Have questions or comments for us? Post in the comments section below or on ... Or write: #blackpanther #chadwickbosman #donmcgregor #panthersrage #marvelcomics #detectivesincorporated #jamesbond #comicbookwriting