Simmons Here And Now

Tell The Damn Story 178: The Secret Origin of ... Writers



Today Alex and Chris talk about how writers and creators become writers and creators.  How does loving story or doodling evolve into creating the characters and heart wrenching stories that fill up so many of our lives? The answer is both unique and universal, and you may recognize yourself in the stories we tell.  Plus we talk briefly about Wanda Vision! Plus plus, we announce the winner of Alex's story idea competition. Plus plus plus, we have way too much fun for a Sunday morning and you get to reap the benefits. Come on along and further your journey on the creative path. NEWS BLASTS Join us Sunday, Feb. 21st for our TTDS Facebook Live Special. And we'll be joined by special guest author Caseen Gaines. Keep an eye on our TTDS Facebook page for more information. Click here to join Alex on a second Writer's Way Webinar on Friday, Feb. 19th at 7 PM eastern standard time. Click here for info on, "Now's The Time To Write The Crime" boot camp. Have any comments or questions for this episode topics? T