Simmons Here And Now

The The Damn Story #156: How Character Knowledge, Not Gimmicks, Can Add A New Spin



Chris and me (spunky Alex Simmons) discuss the how old tropes and lazy gimmicks are not the best source for bring a new angle to an old character.  So many series, reboots, and new projects struggle to make plots more appealing.  Today's audiences are different, and many long time fans wants something new.  Lame and formulaic approaches are a popular go to resource, but even they're turning customers off.  Which is why going back to the staple big two sources is the best answer.  What are the Big Two?   Listen and learn.  Or, for some of you, have your belief/practice confirmed. PS.  We enjoyed the questions you sent in before.  So, keep'em coming.  In fact, make'em a little tougher this time. We really want to help. Leave any writer's questions, challenges, or solutions you have in the comments area. Or write to us at: