Wood Between Worlds

We Got Just What You Need....Little Kids?



What is the scariest thing you can think of? If you thought child trafficking then you are correct. We recorded this when it was just coming out and waited too long to edit, so forgive me (Candace) for taking so long. The Wayfair child trafficking scandal is based completely off reddit posts and internet searches. nothing substantial but the thought of this being possible is enough to make us throw up a little. We get into other trash like Epstein and general horrid behaviours of the powerful. Come check out our website!! You can find info on our episodes, bios on the hosts and more! - www.woodbetweenworldspodcast.com | Our Twitter handle is @woodworlds | You can find us on Instagram @woodbetweenworldspodcast to find out when new episodes drop, quotes from episodes, the random picture of the hosts and true crime memes | Facebook is home to a page and a group. You get the same content as Instagram but more ability to interact | If you want to send an email, and we encourage it, twogirlsonemic@woodbetweenworlds