Wood Between Worlds

Denver Airport AKA Illuminati Underground Bunker?



Welcome to the first of what I hope to be many conspiracy theory episodes. The Denver International Airport is home to many conspiracy theories. Underground bunkers built by Aliens or Reptilians, secret tunnels not open to the public lined with fancy art, nazi symbolism, illuminati and freemason ties... this has everything. We do go off on a bit of a 'side note' at the beginning, so if you don't like the off topic conversation you may want to skip ahead. But if you do like the off topic conversation, there's some more after we are done the story! Come check out our website!! You can find info on our episodes, bios on the hosts and more! - www.woodbetweenworldspodcast.com | Our Twitter handle is @woodworlds | You can find us on Instagram @woodbetweenworldspodcast to find out when new episodes drop, quotes from episodes, the random picture of the hosts and true crime memes | Facebook is home to a page and a group. You get the same content as Instagram but more ability to interact | If you wa