Podcast A Vet: Stories, Support & Community From Leaders In The Veterinary Field

065: The Importance Of Empowering Female Leaders w/ Dr. Doug Aspros



Former President of the AVMA, current Chief Veterinary Officer at Veterinary Practice Partners and founding board member of the Women’s Veterinary Leadership Development Initiative (WVLADI), Dr. Doug Aspros has an impressive resume spanning many fields of veterinary medicine. Throughout his different positions, Doug noticed a lack of female representation in the board room. He decided to do something about it and helped create WVLADI as a response to this lack of diversity in veterinary communities. On this episode, Doug helps us analyze the male lens, its influence in veterinary medicine, and everything in between. Doug believes in raising your hand and saying yes to life in order to open doors and works to help others, women in particular, have access to better opportunities. By opening your work culture to as many types of people as possible, you will achieve greater success and create lasting happiness in your workplace. Today Doug helps to breakdown exactly how we can prepare women to take on higher lead