Living Adaptive With Scott Davidson

Amputee is donating his kidney to another amputee - Jeff Soelberg



Adaptive helping the adaptive!  Would you donate your organ?  What’s stopping you from donating a piece of your body to another person?  This is an amazing story that deserves more attention.  Jeff Soelberg (amputee and founder of Jeff Giving a Hand) talks about preparing to donate his kidney to another amputee next week even in the midst of the peak of coronavirus.  Jeff tells us what is about to happen, why he’s donating, and bunch more.   About Jeff Soelberg In July 2016, Jeff was in a work accident that resulted in a partial hand amputation. During this new beginning he searched for help in navigating his new life. While there are resources out there, they were often hard to find. After traveling and competing within the adaptive community—and now that he knows the territory more—Jeff wants to change that. He has seen the strength in this community, but he has also noticed the need for more information and access to better resources. This website serves that need.   More about Jeff Giving a Hand Jeff Givi