Living Adaptive With Scott Davidson

"The Adaptive Amputee" - Bjoern Eser



Bjoern Eser is the creator of The Active Amputee. As a teenager he was diagnosed with cancer and the consequences of cancer eventually led to Bjoern choosing to amputate his leg later in life (above the knee). You will hear why Bjoern chose to amputate. Bjoern’s organization The Active Amputee is regarded as an incredible resource page from amputees for amputees. The org aims to inform, inspire, and engage. In this interview we talk about,  Bjoern Eser’s story (cancer, mobility, and eventually amputation). Bjoern’s future with podcasting, vlogging, and his site The Adaptive Amputee. The importance of accepting difficult things. Getting rid of the victim label and also the need to accept the consequences of your decisions. Being a father and adapting to some significant challenges. Bjoern shares some of his favorite hacks. Responsibility for your own journey. Responsibility for your own Journey with "The Adaptive Amputee" - Bjoern Eser - 031 Find Bjoern Eser at, https://twitt