Unbecoming With Phoebe Mroczek

Brad Yates | How to use EFT to Eliminate Stress & Fear



In stressful situations, we go into a Fight-Flight-Freeze response which is our body's way of protecting us from a threat or danger. This response turns our rational brain off so we end up taking action and making disempowered decisions based in fear and stress, leading to illness and dis-ease. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), or "Tapping" as it is often called, introduces a simple, scientifically-proven method for calming the body and releasing the Fight-Flight-Freeze response.   Brad Yates is known internationally for his EFT expertise and having creating over 900 videos on YouTube that have been viewed 27 million+ times. On today's episode, Brad explains the benefit of integrating an EFT practice into your life and brings us through a powerful exercise to release fear, panic and money blocks from the comfort of your own home. *** LINKS MENTIONED *** To hear the Rapid Fire Business Session with Brad along with links to all his helpful resources, please visit: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/122