Unbecoming With Phoebe Mroczek

The C Word | Step One of Your Next Evolution



Are you in a corporate role and ready to launch a new business? Maybe you've built a business that you feel trapped in and want a way out. Maybe you enjoy your business, make great money, feel perfect on paper but don’t have the fulfillment that you really want. Or maybe you're none of those things but are in the middle of a life situation or transition that you'd like support with. If this sounds familiar, I recorded today's episode just for you!   ****LINKS MENTIONED**** If you're looking for support through your transitional phase, apply for coaching: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/coaching Enter to win a FREE Coaching Session + Other amazing prizes: 1. Leave a review on Apple Podcasts & include your Instagram handle: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/itunes 2. Take a screenshot of your review and email it to me at phoebe@phoebemroczek.com with the subject line: "PODCAST REVIEW" 3. Winners will be announced on March 10 via Instagram: www.instagram.com/phoebemroczek GOOD LUCK!!