Eat Green Make Green Podcast

Episode 123: Dr. Will Tuttle & The World Peace Diet



“The only reason I was eating animal foods all those years was because I was just following orders. And that’s the only reason anyone does it.”On this week’s episode of the Eat Green Make Green Podcast I sit down with the amazing Dr. Will Tuttle. Dr Tuttle is the author of the best selling book The World Peace Diet, a former zen monk, a sought after speaker, a concert pianist, and has appeared in documentaries such as . We talk about when Dr. Tuttle was first exposed to veganism in a hippy commune in Tennessee, his experiences in meditation as a Zen monk, the importance of eating lower on the food chain, the damaging impact of animal agriculture on our cultural, psychological, ecological, and spiritual health, the systemic indoctrination that we’re born into, his six areas of wellness, how capitalism and war originally stems from animal agriculture, the biggest arguments against veganism he’s heard from people around the world, and why change starts with ourselves. Dr. Tuttle is a fascinating person who, at