Chris Burge Ministries' Podcast

What is a Blessing? (Part 6)



In my judgment, few words are as misused as the word “blessing” in the body of Christ. Often when you hear Christians talking about a ”blessing” they are referring to something like a promotion at work, a new car, or getting their mortgage approved, but that is incorrect. The things that you receive are the fruit, but the root is really what the Bible refers to as the blessing. In short, the blessing is a supernatural enablement to get results. The reason why this distinction is so important is that, if you lose the fruit or satan attacks the fruit you will not panic because your mindset is, "I have God's blessing over my life". satan can always attack the fruit, but he cannot attack the root. When you have this mentality it enables you to go through life with the attitude; there is a supernatural capacity in my life to get results.