Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 146, What You Know How to Do



This episode explores identifying things you already know how to do, to help you stop over-drinking. Focusing on what you know how to do versus what you don't know will empower you that you do actually know many things that will help you through some uncomfortable situations. When you believe you know how to do something you feel confident and in control and then you are less likely to want to over-drink. And you can use this concept in any area of your life, not just learning how to stop over-drinking.   It's officially OPEN! You are invited to join me in Stop Over-drinking and Start Living 2.0! Click through, watch the 3 videos and get all the details! If you apply before 10/19, you get some fun bonuses!   And if you want to hear more about the SODSL 2.0 program and get ALL of your questions answered, come to my open Q+A's coming up! Q+A with Angela Mascenik on Friday, October 15th at 10:00 am ET, *registration required: