Feng Shui & Livsstilspodden

5 steps to love your home more



For me it’s very important to love my home. If I don’t it doesn’t feel good and then I immediately want to change something. I move a furniture. Add some flowers, paint a wall or something like that. It’s the small changes which makes the difference.  I have been working very hard to set up my membership about simplicity, feng shui and holistic mindset. That’s why I have been a little bit off from my podcast. Sometimes life is like that and we have to accept it as it is. In the membership The Simplicity Lifestyle we’re going to have new masterclasses and workshops each month and I’m so excited about it. I have invited very professional people for the masterclasses. So, if you would like to make a change and start to simplify your life, create a clutter-free home and uplift your mindset The Simplicity lifestyle membership is definitely something for you. I hope you gonna like it and I’m looking forward to coach you. Guest in this episode: Sarah Dew - She is a master life coach and goal success coach, a self-