Giving Up Normal

Is it OK to be Busy in Ministry [EP:107]



Are you busy in ministry?  Is it ok to be busy in ministry? I will admit that there was a time when I didn’t think it was ok to be busy and I’m now rethinking this idea. I think it depends on what we mean when we say “busy.”   Here are some definitions of busy: activity or fully engaged or occupied Crowded with or characterized by much activity Constant at work, diligent; active.   My friend Amber doesn’t use the word busy. She substitutes the word busy with productive. For her, busyness means a time of increased productivity.   So, if we think about those definitions and concepts of busy there is really nothing wrong with being fully engaged, productive, diligent, and active. Jesus was all of those things. He was active in the work God gave Him. He was focused. There isn’t anything wrong with having seasons where there is a lot to do. Even seasons where you might have to make adjustments for the short term because of a particular event or season in the life of the church.   But here’s the thing, that’s no