Secret Stacks

63: Ashley at BookishRealm, Influencer and Influenced



We've got a BookTuber in the house! Ashley, aka BookishRealm can be found on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Goodreads. We talk about finding the next great read, interacting with publishers and viewers, and the bottomless well of energy known as Goodreads Drama. We also talk about a lot of books! We Need Diverse Books White Smoke Sugar Town Queens How publishers promote online Navigating ever-changing discovery algorithms of social media The Joker Vol. 1 9781779512017 X-Men: Hellfire Gala 9781302931155 Nuclear Family 9781949028737 Radiant Black 9781534319165 Abbott / Abbott 1973 ‎ 9781684152452 / 9781684156511 Something Is Killing The Children 9781684155583 Edelweiss NetGalley   Fresh Picks Himawari House 9781250235572 Allergic 9781338568905