
Between 9/11 20th Anniversary and the Afghanistan Crisis: A New Wave of Islamophobia?



Dr. Sahar Khamis discussed the latest rising wave of Islamophobia and its implications, especially in the aftermath of the Afghanistan crisis and the return of Taliban, and the recent 20th anniversary of 9/11. The discussion will tackle the questions of why, and how, this new wave of Islamophobia has been on the rise lately, both globally and in the United States; what are the manifestations and implications of this escalating trend; how are different Muslim, and non-Muslim, groups and orgnizations trying to combat it; and the double-edged sword effect of the media in this regard. with her guests, Mr. Shahed Amanullah and Dr. Amin Asfari Shahed Amanullah is Managing Director of Frost Capital and co-founder of Zakatify, a social impact fintech startup. From 2011 to 2014, Shahed served in President Barack Obama’s administration as Senior Advisor for Technology at the US Department of State, working under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He is the founder of Altmuslim, an online magazine with 2.5 million an