Vox Podcast With Mike Erre

303 - Exiles in the Church



Exiles in the Church. Today we discuss an email asking about reconciling feeling exiled in the Church, rather than from it. What does it mean to be “Christian exiles” within the body of Christ?  Are there similarities to those in exile in the Old Testament? Is it a matter of disagreement? Nuance? Understanding of text and application? Or is it something more? Are we to remain loyal to that which with we’re in exile from? Where does our loyalty lay and how is it manifested? We also discuss listener feedback to last episode in regards to LGBTQ+ and New Creation dynamics. As always, we encourage and would love discussion as we pursue. Always feel free to email in questions to hello@voxpodcast.com, and to engage the conversation on Facebook and Instagram. Learn more about the VOXOLOGY Podcast: Voxologypodcast.com Subscribe on iTunes Support the VOX Podcast on Patreon Follow us on Instagram: @voxologypodcast Like us on Facebook Music in this episode by Timothy John Stafford Instagram & Twitter: @Gone