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The ARMR Report is not an absolute. It was created to offer a guide and to share critical information about risk management & fundamental upside capture. The ARMR Report is for the individual taking on the monumental task of managing his/her own assets This investor understands the value of information & the importance of learning how to get it. Take the ARMR Report and make it your own. Stock Market Action: Risk Monitor Red since 9/10 & IBD Red on 9/28; What must happen to change it & how to trade when it turns Green Monthly Op Ex this coming Friday. What it means & how to trade it. Cannabis & Precious Metals have a lot in common; the big picture fundamentals are great & no one cares. When do we begin accumulating? Stocks to Watch: AMD CRM IBM MGA APPS CCJ NXE DNN KMI ENB OKE WMB XLE HP RIG Q&A: As always we will dedicate time to sharing ideas so bring your best Join the ARMR community and become an ARMR Insider today. Visit us at You can also fo