Optimal Performance Podcast

309 Poop Talk, Digestion And Health Hacking With T.C. Hale



T.C. Hale's story is an odd one.  Stand up comedian loses his voice, 23 doctors can't help and only then does he figure out his health issues.  Now, as a health coach and podcaster T.C. shares his unique humor and insight around health optimization with the masses.  Get his free ebook HERE In this insightful episode we cover:  •Everyone should eat for themselves •Found himself helping friends and family with their issues and dove deeper •The problem with magnesium. •The problem with dropping all carbs abruptly •Clarifying how digestion is supposed to work. •The connection between minerals and digestion •How T.C. took his health into his own hands after losing his voice. 23 docs couldn’t help him…so he figured it out himself. •How T.C. works 1-on-1 to help people with sleep issues, gut health, menstrual cramps and insomnia. •The importance of understanding all our of our individuality in order to address health issues •Blood pressure, fasting blood sugar •The myth of alkalinity as a marker for health •Simplify