Optimal Performance Podcast

295 Boost Testosterone, Have Better Sex & Relationships - Beyond Mars And Venus With John Gray (Part II)



Part two of my interview with John Gray THIS EPISODE PROVIDES ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE WISDOM You can follow up with all of the referenced courses and supplements HERE  SO MUCH GREAT INFORMATION!!! In this episode we cover:  •We need mental flexibility •GMOs, plastic, bus exhaust…are all stimulating estrogen •Tongat Ali, Myomin to cut estrogen out of your gut. Cho-wa Tea boots your brain and energy •In order to honor our feelings and let them go, men need more dopamine and women need more serotonin •John started with a question of how can I balance my brain chemistry •He created a stack of super minerals for men and women •Lithium is critical to balanced brain chemistry •How important digestion is for healthy hormone balance •Pre-digested proteins helped John manage his Parkinson’s symptoms •Burbuering and bcaba for •Vit C and grapeseed extract for receding ADD type symptoms •MARS VENUS IN THE BEDROOM •MORE TIPS •Genie in the Bottle for better relationships: 20 min game doing EVERYTHING for the woman. •Status do