Building Better People

Michael Streight - Stick to the plan



Charlie sat down with Michael Streight who has an AMAZING fitness and faith journey. Michael, and his wife Sophie, were in town this past weekend for the Faith RXD True Strength camp. Both Michael and Sophie used to coach here at College Station CrossFit, so it was fun to have them back here with us!    Michael and Sophie started the first Faith RXD chapter here in BCS several years ago. Faith RXD was founded by Becky Conzelman, Michael’s cousin. Becky passed away from a sudden brain aneurysm in 2019 Michael’s cousin, and this weekend we honored her with a workout called “Champion”.    During today’s podcast, Michael takes us through his journey, including how he enjoys and prefers to work out with others which lead him to regionals for the team CrossFit games. We hope you enjoy hearing his inspiring story!