Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Connie Jones – Heart Warrior, and author of Warrior Arise! Live Bravely, Freely, and Authentically YOU — Episode 222



Today I'm pleased to introduce you to Connie Jones, one of my extraordinary clients doing extraordinary work in the world.  She is a heart warrior and a master of breakthrough, and author of Warrior Arise! Live Bravely, Freely, and Authentically YOU.  In this interview: Why this year is a transformational period for Connie and the pivotal moments that gave her the clarity to step into the transformational work she currently does. The story behind her book Warrior Arise! Live Bravely, Freely, and Authentically YOU. Connie shares her viewpoint about a person’s calling & purpose in this world in the very essence of their individuality. More about the words struggling, striving, and surviving and what we can learn from each. What sparked her weekly Heart Sparks. How Connie helps her clients go from breakdown to breakthrough with her signature programs. Connie Jones is a freedom and fulfillment coach and therapist. She helps high-achieving entrepreneurs break free from limiting mindsets and habits so they can li