Gender Reveal

Episode 1: Gender 101



Welcome to Gender Reveal! In this mini episode, we review essential gender concepts for listeners who might find it useful. Topics include: How closely related are sex and gender? What steps do people take to transition? How much should I focus on pronouns? How is transphobia connected to racism? If you’re already comfortable with basic gender terminology, feel free to skip ahead! We’ve listed some of our favorite episodes at Find an annotated transcript of this episode here or at  Find us on Twitter and Instagram @gendereveal and at You can also follow Tuck at @tuckwoodstock. Learn more about Tuck's trans-focused equity consulting at Join our Patreon ( to receive our weekly newsletter, plus stickers and other rewards. Join the Gender Detectives Slack at Do you have gender-related questions that you’d like answered on the show? Submit questions anonymously via this Google form. As