Day Fire Podcast

To Finish Is To Win



This week Dawson and Clint sit down and talk about inspiration and mountain biking with Audrey Tangye! Audrey is a mom, a Registered Nurse, a caretaker, and has over 28 years on the bike. Being on the trail is where she finds energy and balance! In June of 2021 she set out on her biggest bike adventure yet, the "Great Divide Mountain Bike Race" from Canada to New Mexico! Even though she has competed in many big races; this one was special. This adventure was to celebrate and honor the life of her dear friend Grace Ragland; who lived with MS most of her life and passed away in January 2020 to cancer. Grace had completed this race in 2018 and lived by the motto of 'to finish is to win' and in doing so inspired many people to push through hard times and enjoy life! In this episode we share stories and talk emotions - preparing - gear - and most importantly - being inspired! Part of Audrey's journey was to raise money for the Tanner Foundation for MS in honor of Grace. If you are interested in finding out more