Let's Watch That! - A Film Review Podcast

Random Acts Of Violence (w/Christopher Lennox-Aasen)



Christopher Lennox-Aasen (From the bands Anchoress, The Thing The Band, & Friolento as well as a filmmaker of his own) joins me on the podcast once again to talk about another Canadian horror film for Shocktober, Random Acts of Violence! We talk about horror movies, the problems with this one, the issues with hair control and so much more! Check out the episode where ever you get your podcasts today! Episode sponsored by www.brewquet.ca Promo Code: Letswatchpod Rate! Review! Subscribe! *NEW EPISODES EVERY MONDAY* Email: letswatchthatpodcast@gmail.com Twitter/Instagram: @letswatchpod Cover Art: Bryce Logan (Created in app Studio) Music By: "Celebration" by Good Comedy ( https://goodcomedy.bandcamp.com/album/quarantine-jams  ) film, movies, humor, tv, reviews, podcast, Bryce Logan, Vancouver, guests, film school, arts, jokes, funny, entertainment, podcast, theatre, DVD, Blu-ray, Netflix, screening, question, interview, Oscars, humour, actors, film festival, film review, IMDB, lets watch that, podcasting,