
311: The more patient you are the faster it will come



Over the last week, we've been telling each other to be more patient, right now we are in the process of selling our investment house, we also started investing in NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and also there is that whole running a business thing! All areas where patience is required. We've been reminding each other that all is coming. So of course, our real-life experiences make the best topic for a Get Merry episode!That feeling of being impatient relates to the whole idea of not being content with where you're, thinking that the grass looks greener on the other side. It's a feeling of excitement with what you're anticipating to happen.But if it is creating anxiety and stress in your present moment, this is where we need to make some mindset shifts.  Stuff we talked about...Allow yourself to actually be in the journey instead of trying to be over there and speed it up. This is all part of the process.When you're focused on the future, you create a feeling of 'stuck' within the present moment.“Impati