
310: How to get a bikini body



For us in Australia, Summer is coming and it's very exciting! But we also understand if the idea of cooling off at the beach brings you more anxiety than joy. And yes let's all prepare for the marketing like 'Summer Shred' and 'get bikini body ready'. Urgh, insert *eye roll* can we please stop?!We used to feel the anxiety, nowadays we feel differently, from a whole lot of work in the unlearning of the BS (that thinness = beauty) and re-learning of self-acceptance and that beauty comes in every size, also that it's actually the least important aspect of ourselves! We say this bikini body thing is pretty simple.You have your body, put your bikini on it. Tada, you have your bikini body!This podcast episode was inspired by Nikki from Styling You and her recent Swimsuit Guide (it's amazing).Stuff we talked about...How to change the belief that you're not good/thin/smooth enough to wear a bikini.Move past the stories you tell yourself about your body.Enjoy being present, feeling the sun and the sand.Put a bikini on