
309: Stop living in your to-do list



We’ve had a busy week, lot’s of to-do items to tick off. More than normal! And this leads us perfectly into this week’s topic of living in your to-do list… and why you should try NOT to!Stuff we talked about…Multitasking is a complete lie! Everybody told us that multitasking is a skill we should acquire and that we should have. But really it doesn’t bring any form of productivity to our lives. You can’t possibly put all your attention here and then all your attention there.Check in with your values and the tasks you’re doing. How are you doing the to-dos? Are you present? Are you really stressed out? Are you running around like a headless chicken?We can get so caught up in our to-do list that we forget to actually experience the life that is happening right here right now.In every little thing we do, we can choose how we do it. With joy, presence and gratitude? Or with stress and anxiety?Life is a one-time thing and it’s a choice to experience it rather than rush through it and get to the next thing and then