
305: Are you forever feeling not good enough? Here’s what to do



Are you continually feeling not good enough? Do you have a deep fear of rejection and that you are not likeable or loveable? It’s an extremely common feeling that most humans experience in all different aspects of life, whether it be at work, career, relationships, or simply when you are starting something new.Stuff we talked about…When you’re feeling not good enough you’re stuck with fear and anxiety. How can we stop this feeling from being a roadblock?It all begins with our mindset, self-belief and our sense of self-worth. Yoga is one of the most amazing ways to help change your state of mind, fast. It is a great tool to help you let go of self-doubt. You don’t have to be good at it. You just need to do it.A rejection is a redirection. Every no is preparing you for a bigger and brighter YES.Comparison is your worst enemy. As Marie Forleo said, “Don’t compare and let it get you down. Compare and let it inspire you.”Sometimes, you self-sabotage because you already think that you’re not good enough. Liste