
303: How to spend your money



If you’ve been listening to the Get Merry Podcast for the last two hundred episodes, you know we enjoy talking about money. It’s a very important subject as this impacts every part of our lives. Today, we’re talking about how to spend your money.This subject was inspired from a podcast with Tim Ferris and Ramit Sethi, it got us thinking about our ‘rich lives’. That is, figuring out where to spend your money in order to create the most joy.Stuff we talked about…Removing the taboo around money especially for women. We should have great knowledge of money even if we’re not technically earning it.Don’t feel bad about spending money on things that bring you joy. Allow yourself to feel joy.Sometimes it’s just nice to go out of your way to be generous. Our friend Dr. Lea Freeman paid for our dinner the other night just because… and we’re like that’s Lea living her rich life. (Listen to our podcast episode with her 217: Let’s Talk About Boobs with Dr Lea Freeman)Have your own money rules because then it mak