
302: This one mindset shift will help you work towards your goals



During this episode, we chat about the current theme inside the MerryBody Studio. The theme is ‘One Step at a Time’. It’s great to have the end goal in mind, a big vision, but this message and this mindset shift is a reminder that all massive goals can be broken down into increments, into small steps. This action alleviates unnecessary suffering and stress.This one mindset shift has got us through some very difficult times. Stuff we talked about…We have all these plans for our lives, but the situation we’re actually in is not supporting that vision. How can we welcome the peace, contentment and acceptance of what’s happening right here right now?Goals help us get connected to our true desires. Enjoy your journey from point A to point B.No one is good at multitasking. Multitasking does not allow us to be our best in our job.Your first step inspires your second step, which inspires your third step and so on. The first step is the hardest step. Focus on your first step.Take one tiny step. It doesn’t have to