Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Cindy Constable – Digital Nomad Entrepreneur, Co-Founder of Results Global Impact Consulting Agency Helping Leaders Break the Mold — Episode 223



Today I'm pleased to introduce you to Cindy Constable, a digital nomad entrepreneur traveling the world while running the Results Global Impact Consulting Agency she co-founded. She is helping leaders break the mold! In this interview: Cindy recalls a heartwarming and awakening story that made her decide to leave everything behind and experience the greatness of the world while she and her husband are still young. She paints the picture of savoring what each nation has to offer regarding culture or food without having to rush the experience. Listen on how Cindy integrates the lean yet profitable business she has into her personal life and how she revolutionizes PR for marginalized voices. Breaking the mold of stereotypical personas by unmuting one’s voice and rising up to the persona you are brought into this world to live. Join Cindy as she reminisces the days where she would devour book after book and later understanding the significance of words in people’s lives. Understanding the “myth of entrepreneursh