Ryan J Orr's Podcast

"Special Recordings" Recording your Real Estate transaction in SoCal.



In real estate transactions the final step is to get your file recorded at the county recorder and made of public record! The process has changed over the years, and how the recorders office reviews these docs and the cutoffs are different per county. Making sure you work with a company that knows how to navigate this is mighty important. www.TicorIE.comAs a Vice President for Ticor Title, I have been in the industry since 2002 & I have seen the best, & worst of markets. If have found it be imperative to lock in on our industry needs to be a true asset for our clients in varying capacities. Gone are the days of being able to be an order taker, or solely an entertainer! In our industry pricing and product does not separate us much, however, it is truly about a few key points, knowledge, professionalism, & sustainability!  It is imperative that we set ourselves apart, and that is what my team & I do.Client First… Do what you say, and say what you do.I have learned through the years that almost e